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Operating Code with Appendices

Western Society for Kinesiology & Wellness Operating Code
Approved at Annual Meeting October, 2016
Updated Fall 2018; Winter 2019; Fall 2020, Fall 2021

Name: The organization shall be known as the Western Society for Kinesiology and Wellness (WSKW).

Purpose: To improve the quality of the Kinesiology and Wellness programs in schools, colleges, and universities in the United States and abroad.

Professional Membership: Membership shall consist of faculty, administrators, and other professionals engaged in kinesiology, physical education/activity, wellness, and related programs in colleges, universities, and other related institutions.  Professional members are eligible to vote for election of officers, changes to the operating code, and any other WSKW related issues.

Student Membership: Membership shall consist of enrolled undergraduate and graduate students pursuing a degree in Kinesiology or a health/wellness related field.  Student members are nonvoting members of WSKW.

Leadership: An Executive Committee shall provide leadership and be composed of the following officers and non-voting exofficio members.  For position descriptions, see Appendix A.

Officers (voting members of Executive Committee):

President Elect: The president-elect will be elected by the WSKW membership for a 1-year term and will automatically succeed the president in the subsequent year.

President: The president will serve a 1-year term and will automatically succeed the past president in the subsequent year.

Past President: The past president will serve a 1-year term.

Secretary: The secretary will be elected by the WSKW membership for a 3-year term and can be re-elected for subsequent terms.

Treasurer: The treasurer will be elected by the WSKW membership for a 3-year term and can be re-elected for subsequent terms.

Executive Director: The Executive Director will be elected by the WSKW membership for a 3-year term and can be re-elected for subsequent terms.

Three faculty-at-large members: Each at-large member will be elected by the WSKW membership for a 3-year term and can be re-elected for subsequent terms.

Exofficio (non-voting members of Executive Committee)

Web administrator:  The web administrator shall be appointed by the Executive Committee for a 3-year term and selected from among those nominated (including self-nominations) for this position.  The person can be re-appointed for subsequent terms.

Archivist: The archivist shall be appointed by the Executive Committee for a 3-year term and selected from among those nominated (including self-nominations) for this position. The person can be re-appointed for subsequent terms.

Editor, Journal of Kinesiology and Wellness: The journal editor shall be appointed by the Executive Committee for a 3-year term and selected from among those nominated (including self-nominations) for this position.  The person can be re-appointed for subsequent terms.

Young Scholar Award Coordinator: The young scholar award coordinator shall be appointed by the Executive Committee for a 3-year term and selected from among those nominated (including self-nominations) for this position.  The person can be re-appointed for subsequent terms.

Student Research Coordinator: The student research coordinator (formerly known as the Peavy Papers) shall be appointed by the Executive Committee for a 3-year term and selected from among those nominated (including self-nominations) for this position.  The person can be re-appointed for subsequent terms.

Social Media Coordinator: The social media coordinator shall be a faculty member selected, from among those nominated (including self-nominations), by the Executive Committee for a 3-year term.  The person can be re-appointed for subsequent terms.

Position Vacancies:  If a position is not filled at the conclusion of conference meetings or becomes vacant during the year, the seat can be filled through appointment by the Executive Committee for the remainder of the term.

Removal of Executive Committee Members:  Members failing to meet their responsibilities or engaging in actions that negatively impact WSKW, as determined by the Executive Committee, can be removed from their position by a 2/3 vote of the officers on the Executive Committee.  The vacant seat can then be filled as noted above.

Awards: The Arthur Broten Young Scholar Award will be presented at the annual conference.  Up to two young scholars may be recognized annually with a plaque, waiver of registration fee, and a stipend ($100).

Recognition awards (e.g., outstanding student and faculty presentations/posters) may also be given. Any other proposed awards would need to be reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee.  See Appendix B for a listing of current awards.

Student Conference Grant: This grant will be awarded to assist students with conference-related expenses.  Students may be recognized annually with a certificate and waiver of registration fee.

Dues and Conference Fees: All dues and conference fees for professional and student members are recommended by the voting members of the Executive Committee and approved by WSKW voting members.  Conference fees include a 1-year membership.

Invited Speakers: Recognition and waiver of conference fees will be given to the keynote speaker and the EC Davis lecturer.  In addition, the keynote speaker may be given an honorarium.

Committees: The following committees shall assist in the business of WSKW.  Roberts Rules of Order shall govern procedures.

  1. Executive Committee: This group (membership above) is comprised of 9 voting officers and 5 exofficio non-voting members, is chaired by the President, and is responsible for providing leadership and conducting business for WSKW. The Executive Committee can act on behalf of the organization on all matters except revision of this operating code. Specific responsibilities include (a) selection of the site and date for the following year’s conference, (b) recruitment and appointment of a Web Administrator, Archivist, Journal Editor, Student Research Coordinator, and Young Scholar award coordinator, and (c) monitoring the health of the organization with respect to membership, finances, and legal issues. All Executive Committee members will be included in and fully engaged in all activities and communication while decision-making rests with the 9 officers.
  2. Marketing Committee – This committee is chaired by the Executive Director and includes the president, social media coordinator, and the three at-large members. This group will seek to expand WSKW’s contact list and maintain a file that includes contact information for current members, young scholars, past presidents, current and past Executive Committee members, Kinesiology & related wellness program chairs, and a compiled list of these groups that will incorporate a growing list of contacts that can be used to advertise WSKW conferences and activities. In addition, as time and resources permit, in a sustainable manner provide WSKW information via social media.  Members are encouraged to recruit additional volunteers to assist with the committee’s work.
  3. Nominating Committee – This committee is chaired by the president and includes the past president and executive director. This group will recruit and nominate interested members for positions on the Executive Committee. Elections for officers are then conducted. Appointments are made by the Executive Committee.

Publications: WSKW’s online journal is titled ‘Journal of Kinesiology and Wellness: A publication of the Western Society for Kinesiology and Wellness’ (JKW).  It consists of (a) peer-reviewed scholarly papers based on original research (experimental, qualitative, descriptive, and historical), (b) peer reviewed John Massengale invited (by JKW editor) papers, and (c) the WSKW Chronicles which include conference abstracts.

Dissolution: Should the organization be dissolved, all unencumbered funds will automatically be given to a non-profit national or regional organization (e.g., National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education) within the United States whose mission, in a broad sense, is comparable to WSKW and directly related to Kinesiology. This determination shall be made by the Executive Committee. The web administrator in consultation with the executive committee will seek a way to find a permanent home for JKW publications.

Amendment of Operating Code: Suggested changes to this Operating Code shall be e-mailed to the membership at least 30-days prior to the scheduled vote and subsequently voted on by the voting membership.