Faculty Awards

Dr. G Arthur Broten Young Scholar Recognition Award

Submit a paper for award consideration!

The Young Scholars Recognition Award program was established by the Western College Physical Education Society in 1987 to encourage the involvement of younger college and university physical educators in WCPES (now WSKW). In 1989, the program was renamed the Dr. G. Arthur Broten Young Scholars Recognition Award to honor Professor Emeritus Broten from the Department of Physical Education, University of Nevada, Reno. One of Dr. Broten’s career ambitions was to motivate young people to flourish in a growing profession. The opportunity for young professional educators to present paper at a nationally recognized regional conference significantly promotes this goal.

A call for nominations and papers from young scholars is made annually by WSKW. Submitted papers are reviewed and award winners (up to two) are selected. Time is allotted during the annual WSKW conference for young scholars to present their papers.

E.C. Davis Lecturer Recognition

A speaker is selected each year whose experiences and accomplishments represent outstanding contributions to the Profession.

Bethany Shifflett Outstanding Faculty Poster Presentation

New in 2024, a name change to the Outstanding Faculty Poster Award to honor long-time WSKW member, Bethany Shifflett, Professor Emeritus of San Jose State University. Bethany’s contributions to the WSKW span more than 2 decades of presentations and service through the Executive Committee. Her enthusiastic support and welcoming smile greeted newcomers and returning scholars annually. Honoring Bethany with this eponymous award is a testimony to her passion for guiding and supporting colleagues in their professional development pursuits.

Outstanding Faculty Oral Presentation

Booster Award

This is a unique WSKW tradition! The award is given to the college or university with the most faculty attending the conference.


Student Awards

Matt Silvers Award for outstanding research critique – Student research critique poster

Dr. Matt Silvers participated in WSKW as an undergraduate student submitting research critique posters for several years under the direction of Larry Bruya. He then became a member of WSKW. He went on to earn a Ph.D., became a professor of Exercise Science at Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington, and earned WSKW’s Art Broten Young Scholar award in 2008. Matt Silvers served in many elected positions in WSKW including President in 2013. He continued heading the Student Poster sessions for many years due to his passion for the experience offered to students.

Robert Carlson Award for Outstanding Review of Literature Poster

Dr. Carlson has a long history in a leadership role with WSKW, including 2017 E. C. Davis Lecturer, President (1995), and Secretary of WSKW (2017). He is Dean Emeritus at California State University, San Bernardino, former Chair of the Department of Exercise and Nutritional Sciences at San Diego State University, and has amassed 43 years of exemplary teaching, research, and service. An accomplished professional, Dr. Carlson has been a true fan and believer in WSKW and is committed to helping our next generation of professionals within and outside of WSKW.

Lawrence Bruya Awards for Original Research and Original Research Project Poster

Dr. Lawrence Bruya was a professor and former department Chairperson in Department of Physical Education, Sport, and Leisure Studies at Washington State University and an active member of WSKW for many years. Dr. Bruya delivered the E. C. Davis lecture in 2015. He and Bob Peavy created the student poster sessions at WSKW to support student research and professional experiences. The Original Research Poster Award was named in his honor for his dedication to this passion for students.

Robert Peavy Outstanding Original Research Award – Student Oral Presentation

Dr. Robert D. Peavy was a leader and a pillar of first the Western College Physical Education Men’s Society which became the Western College Physical Education Society and then Western Society of Kinesiology and Wellness. He dedicated his professional life to coaching, teaching, and mentoring. He served as a mentor for many years at WSKW bringing students and faculty to the meetings from Washington State University. His career as a PE teacher and coach began in a Bay Area junior high, progressed to high school, after which he became head gymnastics coach at his Alma Mater (SJSU). In 1969, Bob was named the men’s head gymnastics coach at Washington State University (WSU). In this position he garnered a number of achievements, awards, and successes: PAC-8 Coach of the Year 1975; host of WSU’s first international meet in any sport (Japanese National Gymnastics team vs. WSU’s Men’s Gymnastics Team, January 1975); Bob coached an All American and an Olympic athlete; under Bob’s leadership the WSU men’s gymnastics team rose from 114th to a top 6 national ranking; Bob was President and Honorary Lifetime Member of the National Association of Collegiate Gymnastics Coaches/College Gymnastics Association. After his storied coaching career, Bob stayed at WSU’s Physical Education department until he retired in 1999. A short selection of professional honors and activities includes: President, Western Society for Kinesiology and Wellness (WSKW; 1991), notably, he was recognized for his role in promoting women in this and other PE professional organizations; honored with being selected to be the E. C. Davis Lecturer (WSKW, 2012) and the eponymous “R.D. Peavy Papers” (WSKW). Additional accomplishments of Dr. Peavy included being Advisor/Coach to the WSU Cheerleaders, Rally Squad, and Butch Programs. As Bob’s collegiate coaching career tapered off, he extended his passion for teaching and coaching as Director of WSU’s Summer Sport Skills Camp. A generation of Pullman kids learned to swim, ride a bike, and numerous other activities and sports skills under Bob’s leadership.

Past Recipients


Contact our Conference Coordinator – Karen Hostetter, PhD, LAT, ATC